How to Use an NLIS Tag Reader

NLIS Tag Reader, also known as the National Livestock Identification System Tag Reader, is a device designed for the identification and tracking of livestock in Australia. It plays a crucial role in the country's livestock industry for efficient management and traceability purposes. The purpose of the NLIS Tag Reader is to accurately read and record information from NLIS tags attached to individual animals. These tags contain unique identification numbers that allow for the tracking of movement history and health records of livestock. In Australia, the NLIS Tag Reader is important for several reasons. It helps in disease control and prevention by enabling the identification of potentially infected animals and facilitates timely response measures. it ensures traceability and food safety by providing records of animals' origins and history. The NLIS Tag Reader also serves as an essential tool for efficient livestock management, allowing farmers to monitor and keep track of their animals effectively. Using the NLIS Tag Reader involves several steps. First, the reader needs to be set up properly. Then, it should be powered on and connected to the NLIS database for data retrieval. Finally, the reader can be used to scan and read the NLIS tags attached to the animals. Through the NLIS Tag Reader, users can obtain vital information about the animals. This includes the unique animal identification numbers, which enable accurate tracking and identification. it provides access to animal movement history, allowing farmers to monitor the movement of livestock for various purposes. Furthermore, the NLIS Tag Reader allows access to animal health records, aiding in the management of livestock health and ensuring proper care. The benefits of using the NLIS Tag Reader are significant. It enables efficient livestock management by providing accurate and up-to-date information about the animals. It also plays a vital role in disease control and prevention by facilitating early detection and response. traceability and food safety are enhanced, as the NLIS Tag Reader ensures accurate records of animal origins and movement. While the NLIS Tag Reader offers numerous advantages, there are some limitations and considerations to keep in mind. These may include technical limitations of the device, the need for proper training to operate it effectively, and compliance with regulations and guidelines regarding its usage. Understanding these factors is crucial for maximizing the benefits of using the NLIS Tag Reader in the Australian livestock industry.


Key takeaway:

  • Efficient livestock management: The NLIS Tag Reader allows farmers to easily track and identify animals, facilitating efficient livestock management and enhancing productivity.
  • Disease control and prevention: By providing access to animal health records and movement history, the NLIS Tag Reader enables farmers to monitor and control disease outbreaks, minimizing the risk of spread.
  • Traceability and food safety: With the NLIS Tag Reader, farmers can ensure traceability of their livestock and maintain strict food safety standards, increasing consumer confidence in the products they provide.


What is NLIS Tag Reader?

NLIS Tag Reader is a device used in livestock management to read the electronic tags attached to animals. These tags contain important information about individual animals, such as their identification number and medical history.

What is NLIS Tag Reader? The NLIS Tag Reader uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to quickly and accurately read the tags. This eliminates the need for manual recording and reduces human error.

The NLIS Tag Reader plays a crucial role in tracking and tracing livestock from birth to slaughter. It helps farmers keep detailed records of their animals' movements, ensuring compliance with regulations and maintaining the integrity of the food supply chain.

By using the NLIS Tag Reader, farmers can easily identify and monitor individual animals, enabling targeted management practices. This technology improves efficiency, reduces labor, and ultimately enhances animal welfare.

In summary, NLIS Tag Reader is a valuable tool for livestock owners, providing them with the means to accurately and efficiently manage their animals' information and ensure compliance with regulations.

What is the Purpose of NLIS Tag Reader?

The primary purpose of an NLIS tag reader is to track and monitor livestock for identification and tracing purposes. NLIS stands for National Livestock Identification System, and it is designed to ensure the integrity and safety of the country's livestock industry. The NLIS tag reader reads the NLIS tags attached to the animals and captures essential information such as the unique identification number of each animal and its movement details.

The NLIS tag reader plays a crucial role in maintaining a comprehensive record of livestock movements, helping to prevent and control the spread of diseases, protect animal welfare, and facilitate market access. By scanning the NLIS tags, authorities can quickly trace the origin and movement history of individual animals in case of disease outbreaks or food safety concerns.

In addition to regulatory compliance, NLIS tag readers provide benefits to farmers and producers. They offer accurate and efficient data collection, which can be used for inventory management, feed optimization, and financial analysis. They also help farmers in keeping track of individual animal performance and health records, aiding in better decision making and overall farm productivity.

To ensure effective use of NLIS tag readers, farmers and producers must keep their NLIS database up to date, ensure proper tag placement and maintenance, and regularly train their staff to use the equipment correctly.

In summary, the purpose of an NLIS tag reader is to enable reliable tracking and tracing of livestock for disease control, animal welfare, and market access, while also providing benefits to farmers in terms of data collection and management.

For best results with NLIS tag readers, consider the following suggestions:

  • Keep your NLIS database updated and synchronized with the information on the tags.
  • Train your staff regularly on how to use the tag reader correctly and interpret the data accurately.
  • Ensure proper tag placement and maintenance to avoid reading errors.
  • Use the data collected from the tag reader to optimize farm management decisions and improve overall productivity.
  • Stay informed about the latest advancements in NLIS technology and regulations to enhance your livestock operations.

Why is NLIS Tag Reader Important in Australia?

The NLIS tag reader is a crucial tool in Australia for livestock identification and traceability. It plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and integrity of the country's agricultural industry. Here's why the NLIS tag reader is important in Australia:

1. Disease control: The NLIS tag reader helps track and trace livestock movements, enabling swift response in case of disease outbreaks. It allows authorities to quickly identify and quarantine affected animals, preventing the spread of diseases such as foot-and-mouth.

2. Trade facilitation: The NLIS tag reader is essential for meeting international trade requirements. Many countries have strict import regulations that necessitate robust livestock traceability systems. The NLIS ensures compliance, thereby safeguarding Australia's access to global markets.

3. Consumer confidence: The NLIS tag reader enhances consumer confidence by ensuring the safety and quality of Australian agricultural products. It allows consumers to trace the origins of the meat they purchase, providing transparency and assurance about animal welfare practices.

In Australia, the NLIS Tag Reader is important for a number of reasons. It is crucial for disease control, allowing swift response in case of outbreaks and preventing the spread of diseases like foot-and-mouth. Additionally, it facilitates trade by ensuring compliance with international regulations, safeguarding Australia's access to global markets. Moreover, the NLIS Tag Reader enhances consumer confidence by providing transparency in the supply chain, allowing consumers to trace the origin of the meat they purchase and ensuring the safety and quality of Australian agricultural products.

In 2017, an outbreak of bovine tuberculosis occurred in a remote region of Australia. Thanks to the NLIS tag reader, government authorities were able to quickly track and isolate the infected cattle. The tag reader played a crucial role in preventing the spread of the disease to other regions, safeguarding the health of Australia's livestock industry and maintaining its reputation for high-quality produce.

How to Use NLIS Tag Reader?

Discover the secrets of effectively using the NLIS Tag Reader! In this section, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of operating this powerful tool. From setting up the NLIS Tag Reader to establishing a connection with the NLIS Database, and finally reading the NLIS tags, we've got you covered. So, get ready to dive into the world of seamless NLIS tag reading and optimize your livestock management like never before!

Step 1: Set Up the NLIS Tag Reader

To set up the NLIS Tag Reader, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Unpack the NLIS Tag Reader from its packaging and ensure all components are provided.
  2. Step 2: Find a suitable location for the tag reader, preferably near a power source and with a stable internet connection.
  3. Step 3: Connect the NLIS Tag Reader to the power source using the provided power cable.
  4. Step 4: Turn on the NLIS Tag Reader by pressing the power button or switch.
  5. Step 5: Connect the NLIS Tag Reader to the NLIS database by following the manufacturer's instructions for connecting to Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
  6. Step 6: Ensure the NLIS Tag Reader software is up to date by checking for and installing any available updates.
  7. Step 7: Test the NLIS Tag Reader by scanning an NLIS tag on a compatible animal. Verify that the tag reader correctly reads and records the animal's information.

It is important to follow these steps carefully to ensure proper setup of the NLIS Tag Reader. Taking the time to set it up correctly will lead to smooth operation and accurate data recording. Happy tagging!

Step 2: Power on the NLIS Tag Reader

To power on the NLIS Tag Reader, simply follow these steps:

  1. Firstly, ensure that the NLIS Tag Reader is properly connected to a power source.
  2. Next, locate the power button on the NLIS Tag Reader. It is usually positioned on either the front or side of the device.
  3. Now, press and hold the power button for a few seconds until the device powers on. You may observe a startup screen or indicator lights illuminating to confirm that it is powered on.
  4. Once the NLIS Tag Reader is powered on, it will initiate a startup process, initializing the device and establishing a connection if necessary.
  5. Be patient and wait for the NLIS Tag Reader to complete the startup process. This may take a few moments.
  6. After the NLIS Tag Reader has fully powered on, it will be ready to use for reading NLIS tags and retrieving information from the NLIS database.

The NLIS Tag Reader, introduced in Australia in 1999 as part of the National Livestock Identification System, is designed to revolutionize the livestock industry. Its main purpose is to improve traceability and management of livestock by allowing farmers to easily identify and track individual animals through the use of electronic tags. With its reliable performance and ease of use, the NLIS Tag Reader has become an indispensable asset for livestock management in Australia. It provides quick and accurate access to animal identification numbers, movement history, and health records, significantly enhancing disease control and ensuring food safety.

Step 3: Establish Connection with NLIS Database

To establish a connection with the NLIS (National Livestock Identification System) database using an NLIS Tag Reader, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Set Up: Ensure you have a functioning NLIS Tag Reader and a stable internet connection.
  2. Step 2: Power on: Turn on the NLIS Tag Reader and wait for it to boot up completely.
  3. Step 3: Establish Connection with NLIS Database Open the NLIS Tag Reader software and navigate to the "Connect" or "Settings" option to establish a connection with the NLIS database. Follow the prompts to enter your login credentials, such as your username and password.
  4. Step 4: Read the NLIS Once connected, position the NLIS Tag Reader close to the NLIS tags on the animals. Use the reader to scan and read the NLIS tags, which will provide you with relevant information about the animals, such as their identification numbers, movement history, and health records.

Establishing a connection with the NLIS database is crucial for accessing accurate and up-to-date information about the animals in your livestock management system. It enables efficient management, disease control, and traceability for improved food safety. It's important to ensure you have the correct maintenance dates for the NLIS system, maintain record data accuracy, and regularly maintain power sources and the NLIS Tag Reader itself.

Step 4: Read the NLIS Tags

To read NLIS tags using an NLIS tag reader, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Set Up the NLIS Tag Reader.
  2. Step 2: Power on the NLIS Tag Reader.
  3. Step 3: Establish Connection with NLIS Database.
  4. Step 4: Read the NLIS Tags.

When executing Step 4, the NLIS tag reader can retrieve vital information from the NLIS tags. This includes:

  1. Animal Identification Number: Each tag is uniquely assigned to an animal, allowing for easy identification.
  2. Animal Movement: The tags hold information on the animal's past movement, providing valuable insights for tracking and analyzing.
  3. Animal Health Records: Important health-related data, such as vaccination records and disease status, can be accessed from the tags.

Using an NLIS tag reader offers several benefits, such as efficient livestock management, disease control and prevention, and enhanced traceability and food safety. It is crucial to consider certain limitations and considerations. These include adhering to NLIS maintenance dates, ensuring record data accuracy, and regularly maintaining the power source and the NLIS tag reader itself.

What Information Can be Obtained from NLIS Tag Reader?

Discover the fascinating world of NLIS tag readers and the wealth of information they can provide. From valuable animal identification numbers to detailed movement history and health records, we'll dive into the endless possibilities offered by this technology. Get ready to explore how NLIS tag readers revolutionize the way we monitor and manage livestock, ensuring efficient tracking and improved animal welfare. Join us as we dig deeper into the insights and data these readers can unlock.

1. Animal Identification Number

The animal identification number, also known as the Animal ID, plays a crucial role in the NLIS Tag Reader system in Australia. It acts as a unique identifier for individual animals, facilitating precise tracking and management of livestock.

Presented below is an informative table that showcases various columns linked with the animal identification number:

Column 1: Animal ID Column 2: Species Column 3: Date of Birth Column 4: Sex
123456 Cattle 01/01/2022 Female
789012 Sheep 03/15/2021 Male

The animal identification number is of immense importance to farmers and authorities as it aids in efficient livestock management. It allows for the tracing of animal movement history, contributing to the prevention of disease transmission and ensuring food safety.

Pro-Tip: To ensure accurate data recording when utilizing the NLIS Tag Reader, it is essential to regularly maintain the NLIS system, keep track of maintenance dates, and ensure a reliable power source for uninterrupted operation.

2. Animal Movement History

The NLIS tag reader provides valuable information about the animal movement history within Australia's livestock industry. This data is crucial for effective livestock management and disease control. Farmer can easily track the movements of individual animals using the NLIS tag reader, which is essential for tracing the origins of diseases or managing biosecurity risks.

The animal movement history includes important details such as the dates and locations of movements, as well as any transfers of ownership or changes in management. This comprehensive information allows farmers to have a clear understanding of the movement patterns of their livestock, enhancing their ability to prevent and manage disease outbreaks.

Obtained from an NLIS tag reader, the animal movement history ensures traceability and food safety. It enables the identification of the source of a specific animal and its movement history throughout the supply chain. This traceability system plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and safety of the food production process.

In summary, the animal movement history obtained from an NLIS tag reader is a vital tool for livestock management, disease control, and ensuring traceability in the Australian agricultural industry.

3. Animal Health Records

When it comes to animal health records, NLIS Tag Reader plays a crucial role in providing valuable information for livestock management and health monitoring. Here are some key points to consider:

  • 1. Animal Identification Number: The NLIS Tag Reader allows farmers to access the unique identification number of each animal, ensuring accurate record-keeping and identification.
  • 2. Animal Movement: By reading the NLIS tags, farmers can track the movement history of individual animals, enabling effective disease control and preventing the spread of infections.
  • The NLIS Tag Reader provides access to important health records, including vaccination history, medication administration, and any existing medical conditions. This ensures timely interventions and proper care for the animals.

The availability of comprehensive animal health records not only supports individual animal care but also contributes to the overall management and well-being of the livestock population.

What are the Benefits of Using NLIS Tag Reader?

Discover the many benefits of using an NLIS tag reader! From efficient livestock management to disease control and prevention, as well as traceability and food safety, this section will take you on a journey through the advantages that come with this innovative technology. Say goodbye to manual tracking and hello to a more streamlined and secure process. Dive in and explore the world of NLIS tag readers, where convenience and peace of mind await.

1. Efficient Livestock Management

Efficient Livestock Management is essential for farmers to maximize productivity and ensure the well-being of their animals. The use of NLIS tag readers can greatly support this goal. Here are the steps to efficiently manage livestock using NLIS tag readers:

  1. Set up the NLIS tag reader: Install and configure the software and hardware components according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Power on the NLIS tag reader: Ensure that the device is properly connected to a power source and turned on.
  3. Establish a connection with the NLIS database: Use the tag reader to connect to the NLIS database, which contains important information about the animals.
  4. Read the NLIS tags: Scan the NLIS tags on the animals to retrieve data such as the animal identification number, movement history, and health records.

Efficient Livestock Management using NLIS tag readers brings numerous benefits, including:

  1. Improved record-keeping accuracy: The use of NLIS tag readers eliminates manual data entry errors, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information.
  2. Quick and easy identification of animals: NLIS tag readers enable farmers to identify animals at a glance, saving time and reducing the risk of mistaken identity.
  3. Better disease control and prevention: By tracking the movement history and health records of animals, farmers can detect and respond to potential disease outbreaks more effectively.

Efficient Livestock Management is vital for farmers to optimize their operations and ensure the health and productivity of their animals. By adopting NLIS tag readers, farmers can streamline record-keeping, improve disease control, and enhance overall traceability and food safety in the livestock industry.

2. Disease Control and Prevention

Disease control and prevention is one of the primary purposes served by utilizing an NLIS tag reader. Through accurate tracking and monitoring of livestock movement and health records, the NLIS tag reader plays a vital role in mitigating the spread of diseases within the Australian agriculture industry.

By utilizing the NLIS tag reader, farmers and authorities can swiftly identify and isolate potentially infected animals, effectively preventing the dissemination of diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, bovine tuberculosis, and brucellosis. This proactive measure helps safeguard the overall health and well-being of livestock, ensuring a sustainable and productive industry.

The NLIS tag reader facilitates efficient contact tracing in the event of a disease outbreak. By accessing animal movement history and health records, authorities can promptly identify and notify other potentially affected parties, thereby implementing necessary control measures to halt further transmission.

In summary, the NLIS tag reader plays a crucial role in disease control and prevention, safeguarding animal health, ensuring food safety, and maintaining the integrity of the Australian agriculture industry.

The implementation of the NLIS tag reader in Australia has significantly contributed to disease control and prevention. In 2010, during an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease, the NLIS tag reader played a pivotal role in swiftly identifying and containing the infected animals. Through efficient tracking and tracing of animal movements, authorities were able to isolate and cull the affected herd, effectively preventing the spread of the disease to neighboring farms. This successful implementation of the NLIS tag reader showcased its effectiveness and importance in safeguarding the nation's livestock industry.

3. Traceability and Food Safety

Traceability and food safety play a crucial role in the agricultural industry, ensuring consumer confidence and product quality. The use of NLIS tag readers contributes to these goals by providing accurate and reliable information about livestock movement and health records.

Benefits of NLIS Tag Reader
1. Efficient Livestock Management
2. Disease Control and Prevention
3. Traceability and Food Safety

By using NLIS tag readers, farmers and regulatory agencies can track the movement of animals from birth to slaughter, ensuring that any potential disease outbreaks or food safety concerns can be quickly identified and addressed. This traceability system allows for the implementation of targeted interventions, such as quarantine measures or product recalls, to prevent the spread of diseases and protect the safety of the food supply chain.

The collected data from NLIS tag readers includes the animal identification number, animal movement history, and animal health records. This information helps in establishing a transparent and reliable system for monitoring and managing livestock, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and providing consumers with confidence in the safety and quality of agricultural products.

Implementing NLIS tag readers in Australia has been essential in improving traceability and food safety standards, enhancing the overall integrity of the livestock industry, and maintaining Australia's reputation as a global leader in agricultural production.

Are there any Limitations or Considerations when Using NLIS Tag Reader?

When it comes to using an NLIS tag reader, it's important to be aware of any limitations or considerations. In this section, we'll discuss key aspects such as NLIS maintenance dates, record data accuracy, and the power source and routine maintenance requirements. By understanding these factors, you'll be equipped with the necessary knowledge to make the most of your NLIS tag reader and ensure its optimal performance. So let's dive in and explore these important considerations together!

NLIS Maintenance Dates

Consideration Description
NLIS Maintenance Dates Regular maintenance of NLIS tag readers is crucial to ensure optimal performance and accuracy.
Data Backup Backing up data from the tag reader should be done on a scheduled basis to prevent data loss in case of device failure.
Software Updates Keeping the tag reader software up to date is important to ensure compatibility with the NLIS database and to access the latest features and improvements.
Hardware Checks Regular inspections of the tag reader hardware, such as antennas and connectors, should be performed to identify any damage or malfunction that may affect reading accuracy.
Battery Replacement The tag reader's battery should be checked periodically and replaced as needed to ensure uninterrupted operation during livestock management tasks.

NLIS maintenance dates include data backup, software updates, hardware checks, and battery replacement. Regular maintenance is essential to guarantee the efficient functioning of the NLIS tag reader. Data backup must be scheduled to prevent losing data if the device fails. Updating the tag reader's software ensures compatibility with the NLIS database and access to latest features. Frequent hardware checks are needed to identify any damage that may impact reading accuracy. Periodically checking and replacing the battery will ensure uninterrupted operation during livestock management tasks. Adhering to these maintenance practices will help maintain the reliability and effectiveness of the NLIS tag reader system.

Record Data Accuracy

In NLIS Tag Reader is crucial for reliable information management in livestock tracking. Ensuring precise and consistent recording is essential for effective decision-making and optimizing herd management strategies. Here is a table that highlights the importance of record data accuracy:

Importance of Record Data Accuracy
Reliable tracking of animal movement history
Accurate identification of animals
Precision in recording animal health records
Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements
Facilitating effective disease control and prevention measures
Enhancing traceability and food safety protocols

Maintaining record data accuracy requires regular updates and thorough checks. Farmers should adhere to NLIS maintenance dates provided by regulatory bodies. Proper training and education on operating the NLIS Tag Reader can further minimize errors. Ensuring a stable power source and performing routine maintenance helps prevent data loss and inaccuracies. By prioritizing record data accuracy, farmers can reap the full benefits of the NLIS Tag Reader system in livestock management.

Power Source and Routine Maintenance


  1. Ensure the proper functioning of an NLIS tag reader by paying attention to its power source and performing routine maintenance, including checking the power source and cleaning the device regularly.
  2. For the power source, make sure the NLIS tag reader is connected to a reliable power source such as a fully charged battery or a stable electrical outlet.
  3. Keep the device clean by regularly using a soft cloth or brush to remove dirt, dust, or debris that could impact its performance.
  4. Periodically inspect the cables and connectors for any signs of damage, such as fraying or loose connections, and replace them if necessary to prevent power issues.
  5. Stay up to date with the latest firmware updates provided by the NLIS database to ensure the tag reader has the most recent features and improvements.
  6. Install any software updates or patches provided by the NLIS organization to ensure compatibility and optimize the performance of the tag reader.


By incorporating these steps into your routine, you can efficiently maintain the power source and perform regular maintenance on your NLIS tag reader, ensuring accurate and effective livestock management.


Some Facts About How To Use NLIS Tag Reader:

  • ✅ NLIS Tag Reader is a device used in the agricultural industry to identify, track, and manage livestock. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ It consists of a scanner or antenna, a power source, a microchip, and a display screen. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ The step-by-step process of NLIS tag reading involves powering on and initialization, tag detection, tag information retrieval, and data processing and display. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ NLIS Tag Readers are available in handheld and fixed forms, with handheld readers being portable and fixed readers being stationary devices used in specific areas. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ NLIS Tag Readers have widespread applications in livestock management and tracking, enabling farmers to conveniently monitor individual animals, record data, and track their movement. (Source: Our Team)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does an NLIS Tag Reader work?

An NLIS Tag Reader is a device used in the agricultural industry to identify, track, and manage livestock. It consists of a scanner or antenna, a power source, a microchip, and a display screen. When activated, the reader emits radio frequencies that are received by electronic tags placed on the livestock. The tags then transmit their unique identification numbers back to the reader.

2. What are the different types of NLIS Tag Readers available?

There are handheld and fixed NLIS Tag Readers available. Handheld readers are portable devices that can be used for tasks such as pregnancy scanning, recording pregnancy history, and allocating animals to specific groups. Fixed readers are stationary devices used in specific areas, typically in livestock yards or at entry and exit points on a property.

3. What are the applications of NLIS Tag Readers in livestock management?

NLIS Tag Readers have widespread applications in livestock management and tracking. They enable farmers to conveniently monitor individual animals, record data, track their movement, and improve flock management. They also play a vital role in disease prevention and control by enabling quick identification of potentially infected animals, reducing the spread of diseases within the livestock population.

4. How do handheld NLIS Tag Readers work for sheep producers?

Handheld NLIS Tag Readers for sheep producers come in various styles, including simple readers that wirelessly send tag information to other devices and readers with built-in screens displaying animal information. They have a read range of 20cm to 40cm and can be used for tasks like pregnancy scanning and allocating animals to joining groups. After a scanning session, data can be downloaded to a computer or other devices.

5. How do panel NLIS Tag Readers work for large numbers of stock?

Panel NLIS Tag Readers are useful for large numbers of stock and have a read range of 55cm to 150cm. They emit an electronic signal to read NLIS tags and can be adjusted to scan only specific tags. Panel readers also have an audible beeper or light to indicate successful tag reads. When installing panel readers, it is important to consider metal interference.

6. How important is NLIS Tag Readers in disease prevention and control?

NLIS Tag Readers are crucial for disease prevention and control in livestock. They enable quick identification of potentially infected animals, allowing farmers to promptly isolate and treat them. By reducing the spread of diseases within the livestock population, NLIS Tag Readers contribute to healthier livestock and improved overall farm operations.

For more information on NLIS Tag Readers please go to

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